Silicon is a foundational element for all plant life that ensures maximized physiological potential.
Supports yield potentials and crop quality
Relieves the impact of natural stresses
Enhances water and nutrient use efficiency
Enhances post-harvest storage
Promotes photosynthesis
Soil health is the continued capacity of soil to function as a vital living ecosystem that sustains plants, animals, and humans. Healthy soil gives us clean air and water, bountiful crops and forests, productive grazing lands, and diverse wildlife.
Remediates soil (salinity, heavy metals, pH, compaction)
Mitigate nutrient runoff
Supports microbiome dynamics in the soil
Enhances the soil’s water retention capacity
Silicon uptake in Poa trivialis leaf blades: Quick-Sol achieved 1,190% increase over control and 211% over potassium silicate based on label rate.
Empowering the independence of our nation’s farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners—the dedicated stewards of our natural resources—to have the tools they need to restore and enhance the resilience of their land.
Results of Quick-Sol field trials conducted over a period of two years in North Carolina and South Carolina. The control fields were the standard fertilization program. The Quick-Sol fields were the standard fertilization program with the addition of the customary Quick-Sol application rate. The cost of the Quick-Sol application was factored into the “Net Profit.” One of numerous Quick-Sol trials showcasing the products results.